Property Details

Price: £6,900 | 25 Lakh

Square Feet: 5 Marla

Reference Number: MP0408

Location Info

Country: Bankhurma | Mirpur | AK | Pakistan

Rehman Housing Society | Bankhurma

5 Marla plot for sale.

Five marla plot for sale located in valley homes, Rehman Housing Society | Bankhurma | near Mirpur | Azad Kashmir. The plot is approximately 5 miles from Mirpur city. 

For further details please contact the seller on the contact details provided below.

To view a video of this plot click here YouTube or TikTok.

Offers in the region of : 

  • Date listed 15th November 2023
  • 25 Lakh guide price.
  • £6,900 exchange rate 15th November 2023.
  • Prices subject to currency exchange rate.
  • For a more accurate price in £ Pound sterling please check the exchange rate for the day.
  • The default price is in Rupees.

5 marla plot:

  • Located in Rehman Housing Society | Near Mirpur | Azad Kashmir.

Interested in this property, please contact the seller/agent directly: –

“We do not take part in negotiations or financial matters. Our sole purpose is to connect people. Please practice due diligence before moving into the negotiations stage and making large purchases as we “Mirpur properties” are not liable”.

“The default price is in Rupees, please check the Pound Sterling exchange rate based on the price in Rupees for the day.”

Please quote Mirpur Properties

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