Property Details

Price: £2,000 | 5 Lakh Per Month

Floors: 6

Reference Number: MP0121

Location Info

Address: Allama Iqbal Road


Country: Pakistan | Azad Kashmir

Allama Iqbal Road | Mirpur | Azad Kashmir

Al Khanan plaza available for rent

Al Khanan plaza is located on Allama Iqbal road, Mirpur, Azad Kashmir. It has six floors. It is available to rent at a very reasonable price of £2000, PKR 5 Lakh rupees per month. The owners would require a security payment equivalent of 6 months rent payable on agreement. The plaza is located on a busy main road in a commercial part of the city. 

Lower ground floor: Large hall 40 x 90 sq ft.

Ground floor: Large hall 35 x 90 sq ft.

Lower ground floor: Large hall 35 x 90 sq ft.

2nd floor: 9 room all with attached bathrooms

3rd floor: 9 room all with attached bathrooms

4th floor: 9 room all with attached bathrooms

The property is within close proximity of all necessary amenities, shops, coffee shops and restaurants.


  • Date listed November 2021
  • Rent 5 lakh per month.
  • £2,000 exchange rate November 2021.
  • Prices subject to currency exchange rate.
  • For a more accurate price in £ Pound sterling please check the exchange rate for the day.
  • The default price is in Rupees.


  • The top 3 floors consist of rooms with attached bathrooms. 9 rooms per floor.
  • The lower 3 floors consist of large halls.
  • Watch a video of Al Khanan plaza on our YouTube channel Mirpur Properties.

Please quote Mirpur Properties

For further information please contact:-

  • Company: Deal & Deals (JK)
  • Contact: Mr Naveed Butt: 0092 345 8580405, 0092 312 838 4786
  • Contact: Mr Morsar Lorne  – 0092 333 666 7654


“We do not take part in negotiations. Our sole purpose is to connect people. Please practice due diligence before moving into the negotiations stage and making large purchases as we “Mirpur properties” are not liable”.

“The default price is in Rupees, please check the Pound Sterling exchange rate based on the price in Rupees for the day.”

Please quote Mirpur Properties